

Age Range: 5¾ to 8 years old. If your child is under 5¾ feel free to contact us and register your interest, our Beaver Colony is very popular.

Meetings: Our Beavers meet every Tuesday from 5:45 – 6:45 during term time.

Location: 53-55 Purley Park Road, Purley, CR8 2BW.

Beaver Scout Leader: Louise (Ladybird)

Leadership Team: Gabby (Hedgehog), Claire (Dormouse) and Young Leaders, Fox and Wolf.

The Beaver Colony is the youngest section in the Scouting family. At 1st Purley (Princess Christian’s Own) Scout Group, we offer a range of activities to introduce young people to scouting. It is a chance to make new friends and learn new skills whilst having fun.

We welcome you to come along for a free taster meeting, where our Beaver leader will have the opportunity to introduce herself, as well as introducing her team and parent helpers, who support her; please send an email to to arrange this. A Beavers uniform is not required for the initial meeting, but may be purchased once your child has settled in.

Being part of the Beavers colony is an exciting time, they will figure the world out by exploring, playing and doing. Beavers work together during their weekly meetings, taking part in activities, such as badge work, games, crafts and singing, along with plenty of outdoor activities.

The Challenge badges and Activity badges all contribute towards the Chief Scout Bronze Award – which is the highest accolade a Beaver can earn.

With gentle leadership and encouragement, the Beavers grow to become more independent and intuitive which helps build their confidence. Throughout their Scouting journey, starting at Beavers, they will, while also having a lot of fun, develop character skills that will help them in all walks of life!

Most Beavers will transition to Cubs when they turn 8, where they will continue the adventure and explore new activities.

More information on Beavers, who we are and what we do can be found here!

How to Join:

Please complete the form on our Contact Page or email us directly at and we will be in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you!